Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Spring Break

It is Spring Break.

I'm taking a few days off. We have Good Friday as a holiday anyway, so a few days before and a few days after are enough to get a little momentum on some things around here that need fixing. Like the basement. Like my little Toyota (320,000 miles and still running!). Like me and the family running around the town, making memories.

My eyes were burning all day long. I went to work for four hours and then called it a day, went home and put a warm, wet rag on across my eyes and took a nap. Felt much better afterward. Then got up and worked a few more hours from home, going through email, writing documents, until my eyes were burning too much again.

After dinner, we went out shopping at the hardware store; time to replace the furnace air filters. We were also looking for a piece for her sewing basket which broke off when silly Mary tried standing on top of it. (When will they ever learn?) The air was too cold and windy to be outside very long, but it was nice to get out into the fresh air, if only in-between car stops.

When we got home, Cheryl made brownies while the kids and I started a game of Heroscape. We had been planning on watching The Two Towers after the game, but the game went long and we never got around to the movie. Just as well. We had fun.

I'm tired, tired of working and tired of being tired of working. My eyes are tired, my body is aching, my brain is fried, and I want to spend some time on the things I haven't had time for, like my computers and my house and my car. And, above all, my family.

So much to do, so little time...


virginia said...

hope your spring break is going well.

virginia said...

hope you are enjoying your spring break.
And my car is slowly catching up with your Toyota. it has 204,000 on it and is only a 2000 model. hope it will make 300,000,
And may your accomplishments this week have been many--especially the making memories part.