Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Panic in the Streets

The days / hours are counting down. It is almost time.

I pulled the car-top carrier down from the loft this evening, and spent half an hour chasing down the keys so it could be opened. Also spent half an hour gathering up flashlights, radios, batteries and other assorted paraphenalia for the trip -- and reminding the kids that they need to have everything packed and ready to go tomorrow night. I don't want to be in an even bigger panic Thursday night!

There's still a ton of work to do -- at work -- before I'm ready to leave, and then there's a farewell party for one of my guys tomorrow. And then there's a big meeting I'm supposed to be putting together to review our readiness to test the software. Lots of things to do, not nearly enough time to do them in. But I'm beyond caring now.

All I can think about is The Trip.

Driving to Colorado to see Craig. (Are you ready, Uncle Craig?)

Driving to Yosemite to see Mom and Dad and Ron and Eileen.

Driving to Tucson to see Jeanne and Brendon.

Driving to Derbe to see Judy and Shane.

Driving to Abilene to see Jan and Kel.

Stopping in St. Louis and Springfield for some historical tours.

Being away from work for two whole weeks!!!

And then, after getting back home, just a few more weeks and we'll be down in Bloomington for the Downs Reunion!


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