Everything was much better after my two-hour nap.
Once the head was working again, it was time to begin the real work I'd planned for the day, which was patching the rust hole in the Subaru. I have the fiberglass kit; it was supposed to be a simple matter of removing the plastic bumper to obtain full access to the metal, then clean off the remaining loose rust and/or dirt so that the fiberglass kit could be used.
Naturally, it was more complicated than I'd hoped.
There are four large bolts which attach the bumper to the frame of the car; these are accessible through the trunk panels in the rear section of the car. They required a breaker bar to remove. Once they were out, the bumper, which consists of a plastic outer shell, a styrafoam section, and a metal interior, came right off.
The metal interior "heart" of the bumper had some bad rust spots underneath, so there was a bit of wire-brush work and rust primer painting to do. After that was completed, it was getting on towards dinnertime, so I decided to put off the fiberglass work a while longer and just clean up the rust hole a bit more, coating it with the rust primer to keep it from rusting any further until I get a chance to work on it again (which usually means Next Weekend).
You must dearly love that little car.
And something else son, can't an allergy specialist do something about hour "allergic' headaches?
The car is a lot of fun to drive, and I'm hoping it's as much fun to work on.
As for the allergies, I'm going to have to start the multi-year allergy shots in order to get rid of these headaches.
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