Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Girls-Only Camp

Last week it was the boy's turn to be out on tour; this week, the girls head to Girls-Only Camp.

Cheryl and I drove them down to the camp after dinner, listening to Harry Potter on CD all the way down, which made the miles pass by very quickly. The girls needed the distraction. They have been excited about going to camp for weeks now, looking forward to doing all the fun things they get to do at camp (swimming, sliding, playing, hiking, buying junk food at the Canteen), seeing all the counselors they remember from last year, and, most importantly, having lots of fun without any boys around.They were ready to dump the parents the minute we drove into the place, although they were kind enough not to urge us to hurry up and leave. We first took them up to their cabin so they could drop off their things, then let them play while we stood in line waiting for Registration to begin. They finally rejoined us a few minutes before we entered the building to get all the paperwork turned in, and then as soon as all that business was taken care of, they were off and running to see what kind of mischief they could get into before the official start of activities.

I did manage to corral them for a moment to get a couple pictures. These are just some shots of them standing in front of the camp building, looking all happy to be there.And they were, indeed, very happy to be there, and happier still when the Parental Units got into the van and drove away in cloud of dust and a hearty, "Hi, ho, Homeward!". No doubt they forgot all about us the moment the van was out of sight, thoroughly engrossed in making new friends and seeing how much fun they could have before the Counselors called them in for the Orientation meeting.Now we will spend the next few days in a silent house, where the only noise is an occasional tapping of keys as the boys work on their summer assignments or take breaks with video games, or the sound of a piano as Adam practices something classical, or the sound of a guitar as James tries to figure out the tablature of his latest favorite rock song.

Or the sound of sighing, as Dad realizes yet again that his little children are growing up far too quickly.


virginia said...

And they are growing up so quickly. Love the pictures. They look like they are really going to enjoy camp. Surely brings back memories of Yosemite and Idylwild. Those were the days.

Jeanne said...

Sounds like they're going to have an awesome time! :-)