Saturday, September 13, 2014

Late Night Benediction

I'm up later than I intended and haven't gotten nearly any of the things done today which needed to be done, but some days are like that.

Yesterday at work I was listening to a YouTube mix of The Carpenters because it was raining and that song, "Rainy Days and Mondays" just seemed appropriate, and I ended up listening to the full mix all afternoon and thinking about Karen Carpenter and the sad business of her anorexia (and her brother Richard's drug addiction), and that set the tone for the whole day. I got out of work early to run over to the school to start setting up the front line carts for the Marching Band show and it started raining right about the time we were supposed to head over to the stadium, so the directors pulled all the kids into the auditorium and we waited until six-thirty to decide whether the full band would be playing or not. Since the rain did not let up, they decided only the brass would play, and then only the national anthem. The full band did not play the pregame show or the half-time show. So we put everything away again - in the misty rain - and went home.

I was exhausted and tired and wet and feeling depressed and miserable. It would've been a good night to just sit in front of a fire with a blanket wrapped around me and a good book in my hands, with occasional sips from a mug of hot chocolate. But it didn't happen.

I did finish up the book, "If I Stay", which is now a major motion-picture. It was well-written, except for the premarital sex and the adult language (which are apparently assumed to be the new 'normal' for young adults these days). It bothers me that the book is targeted towards impressionable high school kids. I don't believe it is necessary for a good story to recreate the common language in order to be acceptable, although many authors (including the ones in my Writer's Group) believe this to be the case. A good auther doesn't need to be explicit to get an idea across, just as a good movie doesn't need to show everything in order to be a good movie.

Today I was hoping to get some things done over at the school and then get my plan done for the basement, but those didn't happen. I ended up only getting some little things done in the garage and some caulking done in the window in our bathroom (because the wasps are coming in through the cracks).

Tomorrow I am hoping to just rest after church and get ready for another long, tedious week of work. We'll see.


cnrzmom said...

Regarding your previous post, specifically the Vince Guaraldi by George Winston. We've had them for years. They are very helpful when stressed. Shane likes to listen to them when he needs to shake off the tension he built up at work all day. Recently, swimming has been doing the trick, but I'm sure around Christmas time the Linus and Lucy album will get some play time.

Jeanne said...

My Pandora mix includes the Carpenters, John Denver, Christian modern and Michael Bublé. I can't listen to either of the first two without a break-- the Carpenters are so sad and Denver is too New Age-y. But in a mix they're great!