Thursday, January 01, 2015

Welcome to 2015!

Happy New Year!

Let's hope this year is a dramatic improvement over the last one. For many, many reasons.

Our trip to Iowa was less than spectacular, at least from my viewpoint, but that's because I'm never really comfortable being away from home. Most of the time my thoughts are centered on how long it will be before I'm safe back in my own house.

It was icy and cold out there, and we got stuck going up the driveway so that Brian had to pull his tractor out and drag us up the rest of the way. I was embarrassed (it's a common emotion for me). Not a good way to start the weekend.

Brian's workshop is very impressive. He has a massive 2-car bay for working on cars, and the back end is set up with two horse-stalls. Or was it four? He and Mahlon are working on a wall to go between the car shop and the horse stalls. Awfully cold to be working out there, though. He's got one of those blast heaters but I'm not sure how much that's going to help.

Their house is quite different from what I remember. They finished all the remodeling and it looks fantastic! So we sat round watching Dr Who and eating junk food and playing games and then suddenly it was time to head home.

Weekends just zip past.

We left Tuesday morning and I was so keen on making sure we got on the road that I forgot two extremely important things: my Sunday shoes, and my carton of Coke Zero. I really missed those Cokes on the road. And I knew I'd miss the shoes when it came time for church next Sunday.

Meanwhile, I seem to have picked up a cold somewhere along the way. I'm coughing like crazy and feeling awful. Cheryl was nice enough to do most of the driving on the way home, and when we got home, I just went to bed. And have stayed there ever since.

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