Monday, October 19, 2015

James Comes Home

It's been a long, crazy day.

We started it early, leaving the house around six thirty in the a.m., dashing down to South Bend to visit our good friend, Sue, at the local Bob Evans restaurant, and gabbing away the hours until it was time to hike over to O'Hare to pick up James.

We were only a little bit late owing to our propensity for gab (3 hours!) but that was OK since James had to go through Customs anyway and that always takes awhile.

And, I must add, the Chicago construction/traffic didn't help matters.

We picked him up and then drove back home, whereupon his sister, Deb, grabbed him around the neck and refused to let go. Really. We had to use a prybar to get her off.

Meanwhile, James's friend, Nathan, had appeared with a box of Hungry Howie's and a six-pack of Mexican Coca-Cola (with cane sugar) to celebrate, so the two friends sat down and scarfed the entire pizza (by themselves!) and caught up on the latest news. Then, once Mary arrived home (she was late due to being held up at play practice), the boys went over to Nathan's house while the rest of us relaxed before dinner.

The girls decided they weren't too burned out on driving to prohibit them from going out to Papa Murphy's to grab a pizza, so Cheryl and I took our ease for a while longer -- she on her computer, me on my bed -- while they hit the road.

After dinner, James and Nathan returned and we had another little celebration with their friend, Paige; then Adam came home from work and we had even more celebration (with popcorn); and then it got late and everyone went home and the rest of us settled down to watch the news. Or fall asleep on the couch. Whichever came first.


virginia said...

Thanks so much for sharing. Loved the pictures.

Jeanne said...

Yay! Welcome home, James!!!