Wednesday, May 18, 2016

A Little Leak, A Little Stress

Cheryl was sniffing around in one of the basement bedrooms last night and her sensitive sniffer detected the subtle aroma of fresh-leaked gas. The kind that makes houses blow up. It wasn't an overwhelming, pervasive scent, the kind that brings the Energy Utility workers screaming in their red-flashing vans and HazMat suits. It was more like a hint of chlorine in the bottle of water you pulled out of your backpack after a ten mile hike. Annoying, but (mostly) insignificant.

But it was just one more little thing on top of a huge pile of things that is adding to my stress level.

Mary was scheduled to take her Driver's Test this week, and she was going to drive Ruby (the little red subaru). But Ruby developed an issue last week, something related to the IACV, which precluded her being used to carry precious cargo. Unless that cargo has a desire to sit by the side of the road, going nowhere. (IACV issues cause the engine to stall out and die intermittently). Initially it was thought that perhaps the issue could be resolved quickly, but one quick crawl under the car yesterday revealed that the IACV is just the tip of the iceberg. There is also a cracked boot on the driver-side drive shaft. And grease splattering all over the place. And oil dripping onto the hot exhaust pipe. And the brakes feel terrible. Ruby is going to sit this one out.

We'd have Mary use Deb's car, but there's a parking brake issue. As in, no parking brake action. The only thing keeping that car from rolling backwards down the driveway is the Park setting in the transmission. Obviously, that car and I need to spend some serious time getting to know one another, brake-wise. (I am already quite well acquainted with its windshield, exhaust system, rear lights, interior door panels, and console.) But there is this issue of time ...

The graduation is coming up next week and we have guests arriving on Saturday. The basement is not nearly ready yet, and there have been delays due to one thing or another. The plumbing proceeds much too slowly. The flooring still needs some trim work. The electrical is not quite complete. The drop ceiling is barely started. The doors aren't even all up yet.

My car stiill needs an exhaust fix (it's almost as loud as I am), and some brake work. And some body work. Actually, all the old cars need body work. Which was my plan for the summer. Take 'em apart down to the nubs, weld 'em solid, put 'em back together. But that precludes any work on the house, yard, career, writing, music, etc.

Speaking of the yard and the things out there in it -- the baby birds who were nesting under our deck finally took wing the other day. Seems like it was only a week or two ago they were merely beaks pointing to the sky, begging for worms; then suddenly they became huge blobs of downy fluff, too big for the nest; then yesterday they were adolescent hooligans perched on the deck railing, squawking like rugby fans, flapping their wings until the wind took pity on them and whisked them away to distant branches, out of sight (but not out of earshot).

Anyone wanna buy a used bird nest?


In other news, I finally put the dishwasher back together (and, miracle of miracles, it works!) so we are now able to handle large quantities of dirty dishes. Just in time for visitors.

And the downstairs bathroom plumbing is (mostly) working. The shower works; I just need to install the shower door and then caulk everything.

Oh! And the Plumbers are coming over on Friday to fix the gas leak. And check our irrigation backflow valve. And try to sell us a tankless water system.

Did I mention I have this new job, too??

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