Saturday, July 28, 2018

Touring Annaberg

James poses with a local historical figure.
We were going to do the tour of the mines first, but when we got there, we had just missed the scheduled tour; so we decided instead to head over to Annaberg and tour the town.

We looked at the building, the church, and had lunch, toured another church, and then suddenly there was this huge rainstorm! Which lasted about 30 seconds. Just long enough for us to purchase umbrellas which we probably won't need the rest of our vacation.

Then it was time to head back to the mines for the tour. It was awesome! We took the little train cars into the entrance through the cold, dark air and when we got out, it was wet and cold and dark. Good thing we had raincoats on!

Listening to the tour guide, when not mugging for the camera.

Riding the cave train!
After a lovely tour of the beautiful and haunting mine, we took the little train back outside and found, to our surprise, that it had hailed while we were gone. Didn't realize it was that cold!

We went back to the Becher house for tea-time (coffee and apple cake) and then dinner (pizza) and then shopping (Cheryl and the girls) and then games ("Concept"). And then it was time for bed. Finally. After a fun but tiring day.


James said...

Great to see a new post! However, the town we toured was Annaberg. Aue is the town right next to Bad Schlema.

The Meyer Family said...

Thanks! I'll correct it. I never was very good at geography.