Thursday, October 17, 2019

Germany - Day Four

Day Four - A Walk in the Woods to Collect Mushrooms

We went over to the adorable summer cottage where Gerd and Sigrid live (they are Tabea's maternal grandparents) and had an extremely filling "tea-time", complete with jello cakes and chocolate-coated gingerbread cookies, then went for a refreshing hike through the woods to collect mushrooms for dinner.

While wandering through the woods, we came upon a big hole in the ground. It is a ventilation shaft for one of the silver mines which fill the mountains around here.

To keep curious people from exploring too closely and possibly falling into the hold and discovering a new vein of silver, there are fences surrounding the hole -- so we stood just outside the fence while Gert told us stories about the mines. He is quite the storyteller!

This is one of those mushrooms that you are not supposed to eat. They will give you a nasty tummy-ache.

We had a lovely walk through the woods. Cheryl especially enjoyed being back among the trees, reminiscent of our old home in Washington.

Tomorrow is graduation!

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