Saturday, August 22, 2020

28th Anniversary

This is just a weird year (as you all know).

I've been in the state of Texas since June -- we actually arrived on Mom's birthday, which was quite the surprise for her! -- and we were living quite happily in Plano until Cheryl had to go back to Grand Rapids just the other day because school is going to start soon and she needs to be ready to start work.

And she had planned a fun weekend with her sister up in Hannibal, MO ("Sisters' Weekend 2020").

So here it is, August 22nd, our 18th Anniversary, and she's up there and I'm down here, and I miss her muchly. It's been beyond fun to spend these last few weeks down here, just the two of us, living in a teeny-weeny apartment like two newlyweds, driving out to Tuscola every weekend to help out around the farm, yapping it up along the drive, trying to figure out these weird, wacky Dallas highways (which are stacked up endlessly to the sky).

Oh, how I miss her!

Today was a regular workday, though -- around the farm, I mean -- and Dad and I spent most of it nailing 2x4s in-between the studs so there'd be something to nail to when it comes time to put up the siding. I had a bit of difficulty with the nailing, because I'm not a "nail" kind of guy. I'm much more screwy -- in fact, I prefer screws because that way, you can back out your mistakes and try again, without destroying the board in the process! (I make lots of mistakes.)

After that was done, Dad and Mom worked together to put up the siding while I helped Jan with the laundry drain ditch. That was a lot of work! Swinging the mattox, pushing the shovel, trying to get the heavy, wet clay out of the ground so the laundry water would go down the trench instead of pooling up by the back of the tool shed (and stinking to high heaven!).

We finally quit in time for dinner, which was hearty; and then Jan and I headed over to Kohl's in town to pick me up some shirts and things because I'd forgotten to bring a nice shirt for Sunday. I had originally been planning on only picking up one, but being with Jan always inspires me to get more, so I actually picked out three, along with some unmentionables. I've decided to keep a set of extra clothes (a full set of everything, including socks, shoes, shirts, and pants) at The Farm so I won't have to remember to bring them every week. After all, my plan is to keep doing this until the end of the year (at least).

In the late evening, I relaxed with Mom and Dad in front of the TV to watch some music shows (The Statler Brothers) and a couple episodes of one of my favorite old westerns (Cheyenne) before hitting the hay.

Then it was time to call Cheryl and tell her how much I love and miss her, especially on this Special Day. It was hard, though. She's really good about handling things when I'm away -- and I've been away quite a few times -- but we were both tired and the strain of suddenly being apart was showing. It was hard to finally say good-night.

I can't wait to see where we'll be next year. I'm still hoping to spend our 30th at Mackinac Island. Can't believe we've lived in Michigan for so long and we still haven't been there!


Jeanne said...

You do mean 28th, right?

Benny McGhee said...

It thought you were just being funny with the 18th Anniversary thing. Now that it has changed, it bumped the post to the top of this list :P and so I had the pleasure of reading it again. Good times!