Friday, March 31, 2006

Spring Break

Spring break officially began yesterday afternoon at 12:15 p.m. when the children came running in from school with happy, goofy smiles on their faces and volume-controls set to HIGH. They are FREE! No more homework, no more books, no more Teacher's exasperated looks. For at least the next week.

And it was perfect weather outside. Too perfect to sit inside and watch movies, which was our first impulse (it's genetic). So we headed outside to ... the school playground. "Hey, didn't we just come from there?" "Well, yeah, but you guys need some exercise," - and Dad's spare tire is needing a serious reduction plan, so off we go.

We played Tag. The neighborhood kids, who happened to be hanging out, joined in. Dad ran until he was out of breath. Took all of five minutes. Then we played soccer. Dad was goalie (requires less running). Then we played baseball. Dad got to be coach (only requires yelling a lot, and occasional pitching or batting).

Then it was time to go home, to grab a quick dinner before our regular evening activities began, and look forward to sleeping in for a few days.

Ah, Spring!

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