Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Watching Monty Python

The local PBS station has been showing the "Personal Best" excerpts for the Monty Python troupe. Last week it was John Cleese and Terry Gilliam, this week it's Michael Palin and Terry Jones. Naturally I'm taping it. Gotta get the kids oriented, doncha know!

(Of course, if we pledge $500, we get not only the Personal Best DVDs, but the complete MP DVD set. As if. I'm just going to drop in on Craig and watch his copies.)

Michael's includes the Cheese Shop, but for some odd reason, the Parrot Sketch is absent. Probably waiting for Volume 2.

Now where's Eric Idle and Graham Chapman's?

Meanwhile Terry Jones is being forced to sit on a very uncomfortable stool and plug these items while begging for PBS. It's so humiliating! Of course, he's already admitted that if the BBC hadn't sold the show to PBS in the early Seventies, all the tapes would've been erased, and there would have been no Monty Python. How close was the Apocalypse averted!

I'd write more, but I want to watch ...


Anonymous said...

Bwah ha ha!!! No one in our house does Monty Python yet. The big guy isn't into it, and the next generation are so far oblivious. May it forever be so!

(Yeah, yeah. I know-- no sense of humor.)

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Python, here's a link to some gloriously old new footage showing Terry J, Michael, Terry G, and Graham being interviewed by the fellow who put Python on PBS in America, thus stopping the BBC from wiping the original videotapes of the series. Bless that man!

Great stuff!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that it were 1975 again, and Graham Chapman were still alive and well, and all the troupe still had their hair! Looking at the TV footage brings an ache to my heart, a deep longing for the clock to turn back so that the absolutely mind-bending experience of discovering MP for the very first time, might happen once again.

And Paul Ellis and I will traipse through the halls of Hermitage Road CofC, singing and quoting lines from Holy Grail all over again. Ah, the bliss of sweet memories...