Friday, September 22, 2006

Camping in Style

I wish I had a picture, but it was too dark, and I was too tired, and it's probably unnecessary because you can imagine it, can't you?

We were watching a week-old episode of 'House' tonight because we hadn't found time to watch it beforehand, and James, who is a big fan of the show, decided to stay up a bit later and watch it with us.

Yeah, yeah, we spoil our kids rotten. So sue us.

This particular episode dealt with a little boy - probably just a bit younger than James - who was having these bizarre nightmares or delusions that aliens were trying to abduct him. I won't give away the plot, but obviously it ended up being something they could fix, as opposed to something extra-worldly.

But it did have some disturbing scenes in it. Strong lights coming into the boy's room at night, things shaking and rattling off the shelves, windows crashing open. And one particular scene where the boy seemed to be floating on his back through the air toward the blazing-with-light window.

Quite freaky.

James claimed he couldn't sleep, so he stayed up and watched the news and then the beginning of Jay Leno with us. And then Cheryl suggested he go lie down on our bed for a while. But of course since the cats were (by then) in our room and/or on our bed, that distracted him a bit - he loves cats. So Cheryl had him go get his blankets and pillow and lie down on the floor at the foot of our bed.

And there he slept last night.

I thought for sure he'd get up in the middle of the night and wander off to his own bed. That floor can be so uncomfortable. But he didn't. He's a good camper. Must be from all those Cub Scout campouts. Or maybe it was because he was using my Turkish blanket that Judy got me oh-so-many years ago. It's so thick and soft...

He slept all night long, and woke up with a kitty in his face, which didn't seem to bother him. He just petted it, and then got up and had a normal morning. Got his breakast, put his clothes together and assembled his books and lunch, and went merrily off to school.

He'll probably go to bed early tonight, but that won't be a problem.

So long as it's not on my floor.


Anonymous said...

I remember the Turkish blanket laying on your bed which happened to be a bunch of boxes of books in the middle of your apartment in Seattle. Always thought that blanket was so nice.

Anonymous said...

I remember the Turkish blanket laying on your bed which happened to be a bunch of boxes of books in the middle of your apartment in Seattle. Always thought that blanket was so nice.