Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday Afternoon

It's Labor Day weekend, and if there's one thing that needs to be done around here, it's lots of labor.

But I don't feel like it today.

Yesterday, I did quite a bit of labor, but it didn't amount to much. Started working on one of the walls downstairs, in a prototypical kind of way, but it took too long because I had to think about it, and my mind was in ten different places at once.


No, wait, that's the wrong picture. That's a picture of what Adam was doing this afternoon. Playing on the computer. Trying to finish yet another level of Battle for Middle Earth. He's obsessed with the game.

OK. I know I've got a picture of it here somewhere. See, I'm trying to put up the dividing wall between what is going to be James' new room, and the downstairs play room / family room. Problem is, this wall has to go up against a ceiling that is chock full of ventilation ducts and water pipes and drain pipes and things, so it's not like just slapping together a quick 4x8 rectangular wall and calling it good.

No, this one has to fit like a jigsaw puzzle up there.

Take a look:

Nope. Wrong again. That's a picture of what the other three were doing this afternoon. Vegging out in front of the television, watching the old 1976 version of "King Kong". You know, the one with Jessica Lange and Jeff Bridges. The one with the helicopters. The one that came out when I was in high school (or almost in high school).

{For those of you who might remember, that movie had a full-page ad in the Richmond Times-Dispatch, and I had it hanging in my room for the longest time. It was a way cool movie. For its time, I mean. The latest one blows it away, of course. There's simply no comparison between the CGI and motion-capture that Peter Jackson used versus the man-in-a-suit version. But I didn't see any full-page ads in our local paper last year.}

You probably don't notice it, but the television screen is so dark that the movie is almost unwatchable. There were a lot of 'dark' scenes in that movie, no doubt due in some measure to the blue-screen or blue-screen artifacts. And our TV is on its way out, so its gotten progressively darker over the last few months. Maybe by Christmas we'll get a new one.

But ... here's that picture I was talking about!

As you can see, it's not much of a wall. But getting it to fit up there was lots of fun!


Anonymous said...

I believe I would just do a suspended ceiling under the ac runs and the pipes. wouldn't that work?
then your wall wouldn't have to go so high and around all the things in the way

The Meyer Family said...

We're going to be putting in a suspended ceiling anyway, and I probably could've put in a regular rectangular wall along the edge there, but I was afraid that the wall would wobble without a solid connection to the upper joist four feet out into the room, and I didn't want to put angled supports down from the joist to keep it from moving.

This is, after all, James' room we're talking about. If ever there was a kid built to test the durability of construction techniques, it's him. I gotta have rock-solid walls, or someday we'll walk downstairs and find them lying on the floor.