Thursday, November 03, 2011

Pumpkin Retrieval

James had worked very hard on his pumpkin, so it was no surprise that he wanted to retrieve it from the place he'd left it ... before it got thrown out into someone's garden for compost.

On Halloween, he and Bayli sat outside her house and handed out candy while scaring the children with their very-scary zombie costumes. And they were neatly book-ended by the pumpkins they'd carved. Now, two days later, James realized that his pumpkin was still sitting over at her house. So after his Marching Band concert tonight, we went over there and picked it up and brought it back home so that everyone in the family could see it.

Then James put a candle in it and we put it out on the back porch to light the deck.

It wasn't a very bright light.

So we had to turn off the deck light in order to get the full effect.

Can you tell that it's an angel?

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