Thursday, June 20, 2024

Mom's Birthday

Today is Mom's birthday.

I was always proud of the fact that Mom and I shared a birthday month, that her birthday was less than a week away from mine. It always felt like I had a special connection to her for that reason, although that's not really much of a reason at all. But I felt closer to her because of it.

I like to imagine that she's in what passes for a heavenly Red Lobster having a feast with all of her kith & kin, enjoying the company of all those who've gone before, especially her beloved big brothers who have promised to go tractor-racing after dinner.

I can't wait for my next opportunity to see her again, to just sit and talk and listen to her stories, especially the funny ones, even if I've heard them over and over again. She could be such a chatterbox at times! And I loved every minute. Sitting around the living room or table or standing in the kitchen with a hot sink full of dishes while listening to her stories were among my favorite memories.

How I miss her.