Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday ... not to work!

So I'm into my normal routine this morning, getting up to fix the kids' breakfasts, putting together some lunches (hotdog-and-peanut-butter roll-up for Mary, grilled cheese for everyone else), signing papers, writing checks to the school for this and that, scooting them out the door, then trying to get myself out the door so I can put in a good day's work. Totally typical. But at least it's Friday, right?

Yeah, Good Friday.

Got to work and saw the weirdest thing. The parking lot was practically empty. Thought for a minute I'd missed a memo or something. Was there a company meeting I was supposed to be at? Shrugged my shoulders (mentally -- I was driving!), parked the car (there was lot of spaces from which to choose), and walked in the door.

Second weird thing: there was a table set up inside the door, stacked with bagels, assorted cream cheeses, and donuts. Wowsers! Free food! But ... hey, what gives? This is the kind of thing they do for people who are working on Saturday! Is this ... could this be ... have I gotten my schedule messed up? Is this Saturday? Did I go through a Time Warp?

Can't be. The kids went off to school, right? And the kids wouldn't go to school unless it was a real school day. Trust me.

Then the crowning event. One of the guys who was standing around the table (aside: there were only GUYS standing around the table; free food is a guaranteed guy geek-magnet) said, "So, are you working on <insert name of behind-schedule project here>?"

"Well, um, no, not really."

A look of puzzlement.

"So, then, what are you doing here?"

"Um, I have some tests to run." Which is true, actually.

He nodded sympathetically and walked on, leaving me to contemplate the mystery. Actually, two mysteries. First, which donut was I going to snag? And second, what was I doing here?

Got back to my desk and checked my calendar and, sure enough, I'd already been paid for today. A paid holiday. Good Friday. Easter. Spring. Whatever. In this part of the country, where the Dutch Reformed Church reigns supreme, these kinds of things happen all the time.

I've been so busy, it never occurred to me to even wonder about it. There's just so much going on, so much work to do.

So I actually worked for an hour or so, running my tests, and then went home. After all, I'm no fool! I've been paid for the day, and I don't get overtime for hanging around the office surfing the net. Therefore, the rest of the day is going to be dedicated to my own projects. And spending time with Cheryl. And working off all this weight I've put on over the last few weeks.

{By the way, I didn't end up snagging a donut. Figured it was too fatty. Got a bagel instead. Without cream cheese.}


Anonymous said...

wish i could have a table of donuts and bagels waiting for me when i get to work this afternoon. well, maybe not the bagels. one of the guys brought gourmet bagels for everyone a few weeks ago along with all those exotic cream cheeses to spread on them. I've never been so disgusted by a bagel in all my life! Strawberry pecan cream cheese? Cheddar rhubarb surprise with raisin nut cream cheese? Yellow fever spinach special cream cheese???

I'll take a glazed Krispy Kreme any day of the week!

Anonymous said...

If God had meant us to eat bagels with something other than good ol' normal cream cheese -- or lox, if you're of the Jewish persuasion -- he would've said so! Or something. Aye, but I'll go with the glazed donuts, too. Everyone knows that Krispy Kreme is secretly run by angels.