Monday, May 15, 2006

Drywall Complete

Double-door Entry to the DenThe office is now practically useful.

Most of Saturday and the majority of Sunday afternoon was spent hauling, measuring, cutting and hanging drywall in the office room. Funny how it all seems so easy at the beginning - "Oh, I can knock this room out in just a couple hours, because there isn't going to be much trimming needed" - ha!

The height of the room varies due to various pipes and things, so I had to trim the sheets from their normal 96' to anywhere between 91.25 and 94.5. Then there were pipe cutouts for the gas line and the water lines, plus the area in the back corner where we have to leave an access for the water shutoff and sprinkler drain.

The Main Entry DoorOh, and there were a few spots where I had to get creative with the wall supports because there wasn't anything to hang the drywall on, so several pieces of 2x4 had to be cut and adjusted and secured in place.

The worst part was the cutouts for the outlets, especially when it ended up in the middle of the sheet instead of the edge. I'm paranoid about those, probably because I've messed up so many of them in the past. "Measure twice, cut once," they say. I say, Measure ten or twenty times, cut once. Then toss that board and buy another one, because I still managed to muck it up!

Oh, well. By Sunday night, all the walls were covered and it was beginning to look like a real room.

The floor is still missing the top layer, and the ceiling is still incomplete without the insulation and panels, but it is a major accomplishment.

Still, I couldn't resist putting the computer desks inside it, just to sit down and get an idea of what it will be like when it is complete!

Daddy's Computer DeskKid's Computer Desk


Anonymous said...

Nice job, Rob!


The Meyer Family said...

Thanks. Next little task on the agenda is putting up walls for James' room. As soon as he's moved downstairs, Cheryl gets her sewing room!