Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Where have you been, Danny Boy?

I've been tired all day, as if the trip to Long Beach last week had been really tough. And it wasn't. And I got back Saturday. So why am I so tired?

Could be the pollen. There's been lots of pollinating plants around lately, and in order to avoid annoying my cube neighbors, I've been toking up on the usual antihistamines. Otherwise they are bothered by the constant "clearing of the sinuses".

Or it could be the old problem of trying to figure out what I really want to be doing at this stage of my life. Sitting in a cube writing technical documents, while amusing for a time, is not really a career path for someone who geeks out on hardware. I'd rather be in the lab creating robots.

But the bills must be paid, so here I am. Or, rather, there I am. During the day. Typing, answering silly phone calls and emails from customers, running into the lab occasionally to test something out (to make sure that the documentation is accurate), bothering other people while they're trying to get work done.

And in the back of my mind, I'm thinking about circuits I'd like to build.


Anonymous said...

so be thankful you have an office to go to and enjoy it like I do even when the patients are crabby and the doctors are worse.
I make it a point every day to enjoy my work more than anyone else in my department and be the encourager for all the younger ones who are now going through the same stresses that I went through 40 years ago.

Yesterday I told the architech who is working on the plan for a new ob unit that he was just forcing me to put off my retirement 2 or 3 more years because I am so excited about getting to work in another new unit that I will just have to hang around for a few more years. My boss said she wished others had the same attitude. It is really exciting to think about having a better place to work in.

enough of that drivel.
Loved the pictures of the recital but didn't see any pianos.

The Meyer Family said...

That's the problem with being depressed about such a "trival" matter; I have so much to be thankful for, what reason could I possibly have to be depressed? And yet that's what I'm feeling, at least about work. And then I feel worse because it seems so selfish to be feeling this way, with so many people out of work. And round it goes.

I do enjoy being at work, not for the work itself but for the people I get to work with. There's a lot of interaction with others that happens as a consequence of running around gathering information to put in the documents, and that's the part I enjoy. The interaction with others, the stories they tell, the insight into their lives, the laughter we share over dumb things we've seen or heard.

The flip side to the whole thing is that, since I don't get a great deal of fulfillment at work, I compensate by getting it at home with the family. So at least I don't have to worry about being one of those guys who is obsessed with a career, to the detriment of his family.

The Meyer Family said...

In regards to the recital pictures...

I don't have any good pictures of the kids at the piano; it was too dark and they were too far away. But I took some movies with Cheryl's camera (because it has sound).

I'll try to put together a movie soon with the kids playing, but won't be able to post it on the geocities site, since they're so piggish on bandwidth. I might have to put it up on youtube.com or maybe here. Depends on what I can get working.