Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day 2008

I haven't seen any news to the contrary, so I'll just assume that my candidates have won the election, and now the world will breathe a big sigh of relief and move on with Life.

It was a beautiful, warm day out here in the Midwest, a wonderful day to take a walk with my sweetie through the neighborhood down to the school, stroll into the gymnasium with my voting card in hand, take the proferred ballot and sneak off to a quiet corner of the room and make my little squiggly marks in the little boxes, then stride proudly over to the machine and insert the ballot, stop by the little table with the little old ladies, grab my "I Voted" sticker, and head outside with my sweetie to walk home again.

(We saw Mary on the playground while we were heading in, and then saw Deborah on the playground on the way out, which made it even more fun!)

So we've done our duty, upheld our end of the Constitutional bargain, and will wait and watch through the evening to see the effect. One way or the other, we're extremely blessed to be living in a country where we get to make these choices. I'm especially keen on the local elections, having sat through a lot of local action committee and City/County Council meetings back in Washington (but haven't had much time for it here); and Cheryl is focusing on the national arenas.

It should be an exciting evening!

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