Saturday, December 20, 2008


Ten inches of snow on the ground overnight, and nearly everything was shut down. The road budgets were cut this year due to numerous shortfalls, which led to a dearth of sanding trucks and plows, so the roads were uncleared. Only the tracks of the four-wheel drive trucks cut through. The kids didn't mind. School cancelled. I didn't mind. Couldn't make it out of the driveway to get to work. Still had to take part in some telecons. Oh, well.

The downside was, of course, that we couldn't attend the long-awaited potluck at our friends' house, the ones who organize the Game Night once a month. We tried. Took a little gambol downroad (after nearly getting stuck in our own neighborhood due to high snow and low van clearance) and found the primary roads in less-than-adequate condition, and the secondaries a total disaster. Returned home, called to make our apology, and then settled in to a nice little dinner followed by a game of Spiderman Monopoly.

Winter in Michigan. Just lovely.

Got a call from one of our friends back in Washington, bragging that they'd gotten twelve inches (we'd gotten only ten). At least we have lots of plows, even if we can't afford to run them. Out there, everything just shuts down.

We won't see the ground clear until March. All their snow will probably melt away by next weekend.

1 comment:

AprilAndSeptember said...

Yesterday, 12/21 was the official first day of winter. I would commit suicide if I lived in Michigan. Here in the Seattle area, the primroses are available for purchase the week after Christmas. I think I look forward to that almost as much as Christmas, because for me, it signals spring is near. NOT for you!! Since I can't get to the stores, I ordered 2 sleds online for $48 including shipping. They should arrive in a week. The company is in California. What a weird world we live in. I wonder if we'll even have snow when the sleds arrive...