Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Wind-Blown Tuesday

If you don't hear from us for a while, it's because the wind has blown us away.

We heard that a windstorm was blowing in from the west, with winds between 40 and 70 miles per hour. This morning, for the first time in my memory, the schools were closed because of the threat of high winds.

James had already gone to school at 6:10 am for Jazz Band, but he called around 6:30 and said that school had been cancelled. So I ran out to pick him up. When we got home, the Tornado Watch was in effect.

So all the kids are home today, waiting for the storm to hit. Cheryl's Bible studies were cancelled, too, so she's home. And it's possible the power will go out as well.

What fun! I suppose that means I'll be the only one away from the house today.

1 comment:

virginia said...

so the wind blows in Michigan too.