Sunday, August 26, 2012

Summer's End with Midsummer Night's Dream

This was our anniversary gift to ourselves: a Sunday afternoon's entertainment of A Midsummer Night's Dream in a reproduction of the Globe Theater located in the beautiful woodland setting of Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp by the wonderfully talented Pigeon Creek Shakespeare Company.

With the kids.

I admit with pride that my children are well-versed in literature and music; we have always strived to encourage their interests in the Fine Arts.  Their mother has lavished on them a wonderful background in Classical Literature, Classical Music, and Classically Bad Puns, whereas their father has taught them the joys of scriptwriting and over-acting.  Thus for them this afternoon was well-spent and well-enjoyed with exercises in Elizabethan vocabularic recognition and iambic pentameterization.

The theater itself is a recent introduction to the Fine Arts camp, being constructed only within the last two years.  This production was the first one to be presented for public consumption; normally it's use is restricted to the students/campers who spend their summers there, learning and practicing all manner of dramatic skills.

It occurred to me that perhaps instead of sending my boys to Scout Camp for all those years, they would've been better served attending the Fine Arts camp, since they are both into the art and music scene.  And were it not for the fact that the Fine Arts camp is quite a bit more expensive, that might have been the reality.

But they didn't fare too badly, overall.  They all play instruments. They all appreciate good drama, whether ancient or modern.  And they sure dress snazzy when going out to the show!

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