Friday, April 19, 2013

April.  It's April.  And we're getting snow?  What's up with that?  OK, so it's Michigan; we live a bit further north than some.  But seriously - when is this "spring" thing going to actually start?  When am I going to be able to put my plants outside and get serious about my garden?

It was so wonderfully nice and warm the other day.  Was it just yesterday?  Now I've lost track of the days. No, it wasn't yesterday.  It was getting a little cooler yesterday, but warmer the day before.  Nearly seventy. And now it's cold.  Not freezing, mind you; just cold.  Thirty-five or thirty-nine or some such.  So why is it snowing?  Doesn't the temperature have to be thirty-two before we get snow?

No, says my charming and highly intelligent (and well-informed wife).  If the air above is cold enough, the snow will fall.  And if the ground is cold enough, it will stick.  And it does.  And it does.  And it is - all over the yard.  A wispy-thin blanket of snow on the ground.

But we will have our revenge.  Soon the warm weather will come and erase all of it, even the memory of it; and Spring will be in charge again.

Until Summer arrives.

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