Thursday, May 02, 2013

Adam is Now an Old Man

Cousin Mahlon with Adam
Adam turned nineteen today.  Kind of odd, that.  He's in his first year of college (and enjoying it thoroughly) so it makes perfect sense.  And his room is empty because he's not living at home most of the time.  Except on every other weekend when he comes home for Writer's Group.

Sandra and her kids, Mahlon and Isabelle, came out for a little while, just an overnight, so we had an impromptu birthday party for the boys.  They were born only ten days apart.  It was very exciting back in the day when it felt like we were in a race to see who would be first. And thinking how wonderful it would be to have the boys so close together in age and living so close to each other.

And then Sandra and her family moved to Iowa.  And then we moved to Michigan.  And then it was struggle to get the families together.

We were very happy that they took the trouble to drive up here.  It was three hours out of their way, which means they spent an extra six hours on the road just to see us.  And they were already on a long trip.  Mahlon coming home from college, Isabelle on her college scouting trip.  They couldn't wait to get home.  But they enjoyed their visit.  I think.

It's our turn next, not only for an Iowa trip but also for a Texas trip, an Arizona trip, a Colorado trip and a Seattle trip.  Not sure when we're going to be able to fit it all in, especially with all the summer activities that are planned.  But we'll have to give it the ol' college try!

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