Sunday, November 24, 2013

Family Games

Gathering family together is always an adventure, especially when it has been so long since we were all in one place at the same time. The Whiteads traveled a far distance to spend time with us, to enjoy our Michigan weather, our dramatic children, some good food, and a few hilarious games around the dining room table.

Scattergories is always a fun game for a large group. Even more so when the group is able to laugh at/with one another, in humility, love and understanding of our limitations. Those of the older set understand when those of the younger set don't get the references, and those of the younger set understand (mostly) when those of the older set can't remember that word that's right on the tip of their tongue.

Then a rousing session of Apples to Apples gets everyone laughing (and arguing) over the sheer nonsense that comes out when people try to put disparate ideas together in order to make sense out of it all.

Everyone is in good fun, and there is lots of good food (desserts!) to sweeten even the most sour of defeats.

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