Saturday, February 01, 2014

Solo Ensemble

I still don't know why they call it "Solo Ensemble".  I think what they mean is "Solo or Ensemble". Or maybe "Sole/Ensemble".  Because the kids in the music classes, who gather at the school on this particular Saturday in February, are performing both a solo and in an ensemble; they are performing a solo piece or they are performing in an ensemble.

Sheesh.  Who can understand the curious minds of musicians?

Today's performance was interesting because James and one of his bandmates were playing a clarinet duet piece with Cheryl accompanying them on piano.  I got to sit in on the performance while they attempted to impress the judge, then listen in while the judge gave them feedback.

It was nerve-wracking.

The music itself was well-done, from my layperson perspective. And the judge's comments were helpful and well-intentioned. But ...

I get all stressed out watching other people perform in front of judges.  I cannot / will not watch American Idol or So You Think You Can Dance or any of those other competitive performance shows. I have severe stage fright for other people.

Here's hoping my children don't inherit that particular handicap.

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