Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Are We Done Yet, Mr Snow?

They said it was going to snow today. They weren't kidding. I spent almost an hour shoveling snow off the driveway, piling it all up into a berm that parallels the driveway. It looks like one of those civil war trenches we used to see all the time in and around Richmond when we went with Dad on those Civil War battlefield tours. Except these are all white and cold.

We watched the storm come in from the west. The radar showed a huge spinning mass of air that rolled across Lake Michigan, sucking the moisture out of the lake and rolling it around up in the cold, cold sky and then dumping it all over the land to the east. Which is us. It started out slowly in the wee hours of the morning (which meant I had to go out and brush off the cars before anyone could get going) and kept up the pace nearly the entire day, steadily piling up the powder in the driveway and the front yard and the backyard and the deck. Looking out the kitchen slider, we could measure the depth of the snow on top of the deck bench (which is where we store all the plant tools).

I was hoping that the effort spent on the driveway was enough to get me a pass on the basement work for the night, but it was not to be. So after dinner, Cheryl and I headed down to the basement to get some more of the pink foam insulation hung back up on the walls.

We got some of it up. But then I just got too tired and wanted to go to bed.

I'll work on the rest of it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Oh, that pink foam is pretty! Is that a curving wall, or just an optical illusion?

I've never heard the term "slider" before-- well, actually, here a "slider" is a small sandwich-- as in, "We're serving pulled pork sliders at the luncheon." But if you're referring to a sliding glass door, I LOVE the term. That would be so much easier than saying "sliding glass door." Here they are also called "patio doors," but slider is so much more efficient and descriptive. I'm going to use that from now on.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!