Tuesday, February 21, 2017

End of February Wrap-Up

It's been a stressful month.

On the work front, we were supposed to complete our "Dry Runs" of the software last week, do a little bit of cleanup, then move on to the "Formal" testing next week and be done with it.

Things did not go as planned.

The software isn't done yet. The test procedures and scripts are having issues. And the project is essentially out of money and already way behind schedule. But the Project Manager keeps pushing us to keep to the schedule. And if there is one thing I hate more than anything else, it is being rushed.

Being rushed causes mistakes. Being rushed causes stress. Being rushed shortens life.

On the home front, we're still trying to finish up the basement. We started this project over two years ago. We had hoped it would be done far sooner, but it hasn't.

Now Adam is living downstairs in his new room. Cheryl has been hanging drapes. Soon we'll start finishing up the work with some trim.

And it's almost March.

Where has the time gone?

It was sixty degrees outside today. But I didn't get a chance to enjoy it because I was sick in bed the whole day.

And we're supposed to get snow on Thursday or Friday.

I am so ready for Spring!

1 comment:

virginia said...

It feels like spring here over 80 degrees. And I needed to be out mowing the weeds in the lawn but that will have to wait until tomorrow afternoon.

Sounds like you need a week in the country.