Saturday, April 01, 2017

Long Day's Journey into the Driveway

It all starts with a steering knuckle that looked just like this one, only not as whole. The original one is in two pieces. It broke when Adam's car slid into the curb on that icy day we'd all like to forget. And it took me a long time to find a replacement.

Steering Knuckle (used)

Do you know why it took me a long time to find a replacement? Because I'm cheap. I didn't want to pay $250 for a little cast piece of aluminum that should be available at every auto parts store in the country. These Grand Ams are like the Volkswagens of their age; probably the most ubiquitous car in the midwest.  And judging by the number of accidents that happen when the roads get icy around here, there should be a million of 'em in every junkyard, too!

But, in fact, they are not in every junkyard around here. In fact, a search of the local junkyards revealed absolutely none of them had this part.

I think they're hoarding them.

This one I got from eBay, from an auto parts recycler in upstate New York, for only $20 (including shipping). It looked like it'd been sitting in his yard for the last hundred years or so, it was so dust-covered. I had to clean it up a bit before installing it.

But it's whole, and it fit, and that's the important part.

View of Transaxle with Drive Shaft Removed

Took me awhile to get the remnants of the old drive axle off the transaxle spindle (that thing in the middle of the picture). The spline on it is kinda long, and I had to pry it very carefully on one side and then the other to get it off. 

Brand New Parts in Plastic Bags!

These are the replacement parts for the project which were purchased at NAPA. On top, the new hub/bearing. Below, the new driveshaft. Oh, I forgot to get a picture of the tie-rod end; that was also purchased. But it was already installed by the time I took the picture. Because I was in a hurry.

Completed Wheel Assembly

And here's the wheel all set to go, all parts installed, bolts torqued and anti-seized, joints greased, brakes attached and functional.  Just needs to go into the shop tomorrow for an alignment. Because I want to make sure that gets done right!

Happy Car in Driveway!

And there she sits on the driveway, (almost) ready for Adam to take to school on Monday morning. Almost.

Next Customer

Next in line is Mary's car, which needs a new center differential and some brake work. That'll probably take me all week. Oh, Joy!

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

Color me extremely impressed!