Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Babysitting Lola

Lola, Deb's cat, needed to get out of the apartment for awhile so we volunteered to babysit. Er, cat-sit. Since she's a cat. Not a baby. (Although sometimes it's hard to tell, given the way Deb talks about her.)

So Deb brought her over on Tuesday morning on her way to school or work or something, and Lola spent a few hours wandering through the house checking everything out.

She wanted to go into every room. I shut all the doors upstairs so she couldn't get into the bedrooms. And I shut the basement door so she wouldn't go downstairs.

She had plenty of other things to check out, though. The closets. The pantry. The Christmas tree. Behind the couches. Underneath the tables.

She never really settled down even though she was there for hours and hours. Cats are so curious! At one point, Mary was in the bathroom doing her pre-school prep and Lola sat in front of the door, staring at it as if she were telepathically knocking to gain entrance.

At one point, which I did not capture, she even got up on her haunches (like a prairie dog).

Later in the evening, when Adam was making noise in the basement, she sat in front of the basement door and peered through the glass trying to figure out what was going on down there. And hoping someone would open the door so she could go down there and find out for herself.

We didn't give her the chance. I don't want to waste time chasing cats around my basement, or trying to figure out if they've decided to mark territory.

We kept her longer than we had originally anticipated, owing to some anticipated apartment work that might happen on Wednesday. Not a problem. Having had cats for years, we don't mind hosting them for short-term periods.

I love cats. But until all my floors are wood and all my furniture is cat-proof, I'll restrict them to guest-only status.

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I love hosting my grandcats!