Sunday, August 11, 2019


After four long years, it finally happened.

The inspectors arrived at the house, walked down into the basement, wandered around to view the carnage, and nodded their approval. Forms were signed, stickers were affixed, and it was all over.

Paperwork-wise, anyway.

So it's official. The basement is "done".


It's been a mad scramble around here ever since we returned from Texas, trying to get everything into some semblance of order so that the Final Inspections could occur. {Here the word order conveys the idea that all the clutter and daily-living detritus is temporarily removed to the garage so that it magically appears as though no one has actually been living down in the basement over the past couple of years, because technically it has not been approved for such things.} There were still nagging little items which needed to be completed, like the lights and ceiling panels in the closets, and the covers over the electrical junction boxes, and the door which had to be created to provide access to the furnace from the little hallway, and a smoke detector which wasn't working.

Those things were finally completed by July 31st, so that's the day I made the call to the City to have the inspections scheduled. Naturally, all I got was voice mail, so I had til the next day (August 1st) to get a response back. But it was surprisingly easy to get them scheduled for the following week. Tuesday.

Meanwhile, being in the mood to get things done, I called up the tree service people about removing some extraneous vegetation (trees) in our yard, and successfully scheduled them as well, for the following Friday.

So on Tuesday, the inspectors came and, as previously mentioned, approved the basement work; and on Friday, the tree folks came by and chopped down four of our huge trees which were far too close to the house for my comfort level.

Major things have been accomplished.

And there remain so many major things to be done.

Like the front porch, still denuded of planking, skeletal 2x4s open to the weather, now even more so since the trees which formerly protected it from wind and rain and snow have been removed or trimmed back.

And the back deck, which still rots quietly in the sun, waiting to have all its planking replaced.

And the garage, stuffed to the gills with an overflow of possessions which need to be culled.

And the basement, in need of final trim.

And now the school year is upon us as well. Cheryl starts work this week, the prep work for the beginning of term. Classes begin next week. Can it be time for school already? The summer is not yet over!!

Or is it?


Jeanne said...

Woo-hoo! Progress!!! Love it.

We have six palm trees that are destined for the wood grinder, some day-- those are the most useless of trees, providing little in the way of shade and no sustenance since they aren't even date palms. Of course, some birds (and scorpions) make their home in the trunk and among the leaves, so they remain for a while. Kind of like our wild thorn trees (4 inch thorns all over the branches) that provide a safe haven for little birds away from predators... some day we will have them removed, but until we do, they are at least a bit of green in the yard. Ha.

Funny to think about school just getting started. Our district is already gearing up for first quarter benchmark tests and next month's fall break.

I hope school goes wonderfully this year, and all your house projects fall into place, along with your own employment adventures. Love you!

Robert L Meyer said...

Thanks ever so much for the kind wishes! Now, where did the summer go? Seems like just yesterday Cheryl was celebrating the end of the school season and the beginning of what was supposed to be a season of great accomplishment. Well, we got a few things done around here -- and down in Texas. But there is still so much left to do!!

Can't help thinking about winter now, since it'll be here any minute and there's lots to do in preparation for it. I'm still dreaming about that dual-house plan: summers in Michigan, winters in Tucson. Ahhhh.....!