Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

I'll get back to the Germany pictures in just a minute. But first, a word from our sponsor

 - - Thanksgiving!

We're not traveling for the holidays this year, since there are simply too many things to get done around here. Cleaning the house in preparation for guests, setting the table for 12, doing a little last-minute shopping to make sure we have everything we need for tomorrow -- oh, and I suppose I should actually do some of that work I'm supposed to be getting paid for. Ha! As if I could even think about it long enough to accomplish anything! I'm ensconced down here in the basement ostensibly working but mainly fretting about all the really important things that need to be done: housework, lawn winterization, basement trim, car repairs,naps ...

Cheryl and Adam are busy getting ready for tomorrow. Cheryl is arranging furniture, figuring out some recipes, puttering here and there; Adam is making some muffins. Our good friends, the Shapins, are coming over around noon to share in the feast with us (including all the food they bring over), and the place is going to be just silly with goodies!

After we all eat our share -- whatever we can manage - we'll hang out for awhile doing the old chat-fest thing, then move our overstuffed carcasses over to the couch and sleep through a football game or something. Or crochet. Or do puzzles. Or games.

It's always a great day to spend with friends and family, fussing over food prep in the morning and stuffing ourselves at dinner and then doing absolutely nothing (except perhaps cutting another slice of pie with a side scoop of ice cream) in the afternoon.

We hope everyone else has a wonderful day full of good food, good friends, good naps, and followed perhaps by good shopping on Friday, if that's your thing. Safety first, though! None of that 5 am hanging out in front of Walmart, getting crushed by over-enthusiastic crowds just to get a good deal on something no one really needs (although the people selling it would really like it if you would keep them employed).

And we hope that no one has been inconvenienced or injured by the severe weather currently rolling across the country. The Northwest got a bit of cold & rain & wind, then certain parts of the "real" midwest (e.g. Colorado) got hit with some of it -- I think I remember seeing something about flooding in Phoenix, too -- but once it got over to Iowa or Illinois, it split up with some headed north to Canada and the rest wandering down to the Appalachians, undecided whether to pound Florida or New York.

We got wind and rain. Only wind and rain. And for that, I am thankful.

There is so much to be thankful for.

I am thankful that we have already had our first snow, and that I was able to get some good exercise by shoveling it. But not too much.

I am thankful that I have a job.

I am thankful that my wife is able to help children learn to read and write and do math.

I am thankful that my kids are wonderful people who are kind and helpful to others.

I am thankful that my cars all fit in the garage and I don't have to scrape windshields every morning.

I am thankful that our house is warm and our fridge is cold and the basement is dry and the roof doesn't leak.

I am thankful that we have good friends to share the holidays.

I am thankful we were able to spend time with my parents and siblings this past summer.

I am thankful we were able to travel to Germany in October and spend time with our extended family there.

I am thankful to live in a country where I can travel freely and see beautiful places and visit old friends and make new ones all along the way.

I am thankful to live in a prosperous country full of good people.

I am thankful to have parents who taught me to love God from my youth.

I am thankful to have grown up in the community of Christians who mentored me in my faith.

I am thankful to have found true love.

And I'm thankful to have been given this opportunity to live here and now, to love and be loved, to feel the joy and happiness bestowed upon me by others, to share in this life with you! God bless you all with a million more reasons to be thankful!

1 comment:

Tammy Shortt Elrod said...

Happy Thanksgiving Robbie to you, to Cheryl and to your family!