Friday, April 11, 2008

The End of Another Week

All of the plans for getting things done this week were thrown right out the window, and I'm not in the mood right now to go into the "why" of it all. Suffice it to say it's been a frustrating week. I had hoped to get some time to work on the downstairs, but that assumed an empty house and a free work schedule, neither of which materialized.

The floor panels were completed, though, so there was a little bit of progress; but my energy level has been shot all week thanks to the side-effects of various inoculations (and thanks to the habit of some to come to work even when ill). The walls still need to go up; I've got four 4x8 pieces framed up, but they need trimming a bit due to overhead duct work. Maybe that'll get worked on tomorrow.

Meanwhile the weather was gorgeous today. Cheryl and I went on a walk in the afternoon, and it was warm enough to make us believe it was really spring.

Of course, the weather guys have been threatening snow for the weekend. That's Michigan for you.


Anonymous said...

do we need to bring snow clothes for our visit?

The Meyer Family said...

I hope that you won't need any snow clothes - but I'd certainly bring sweaters and jackets and other items which can be layered. It's difficult to tell what can happen right at the changeover from April to May, except that I'll be freaking out from all the panic situations going on at work.

I'm not planning on doing a lot of touring that week, since there is plenty to keep me busy around the house. The Lake is bound to be windy and cool, not much fun unless you like being sandblasted; we might take a drive up north to the Bridge, since we haven't done that yet - but in the back of my mind, every moment spent OUT is another moment not spent finishing up the house.

That's what I get for buying a house with an unfinished basement.

Anonymous said...

Rob, your father plans to bring his hammer, screwdriver and level so I don't think he has plans for a lot of touring either.
Judy mentioned the Children's museum for one thing and I am sure there is plenty to see and do within your town. Anyway we mostly want to visit with your guys. Does that sound ok with you?

The Meyer Family said...

Well, so long as Grandpa is bringing the tools, here's a few of projects I need to work on:
(1) Draw up plans for the basement (so we can get the permit process going).
(2) Build the walls.
(3) Install outlets & route wires in the walls.
(4) Insulate the walls.
(5) Add another storage platform in the garage.
(6) Fix various broken drawers in kids's rooms.
(7) Build a snazzy wooden case for my PC.

That's probably enough to keep anyone busy for weeks, but I figure there's enough to choose from that we can have fun no matter what we do, and it's easy to break things up so we can do other stuff, too.