Wednesday, June 03, 2009

TV go boom

Perfect time for the digital tv tuner / DVD player to go on the fritz. Right before we head out the door.

I seem to recall this happened before, right before we were about to go on a trip. The DVD player -- or was it the VCR? -- died, stopped doing whatever it was that it was supposed to be doing.


The unit is less than a year old. By about two weeks. This is what freaks me out. I hadn't realized it was that long ago. I was thinking it was less than six months old. My brain is still somehow in the Twilight Zone, six months lost like it never happened. How can it be that the receipt (which we dug out of the ether) shows the purchase date of 6/21/08??

Now I'm seriously doubting my sanity.

There's definite reason for this vacation.

Tonight! We leave tonight!

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