Saturday, March 20, 2010

What Does It All Mean?

James was given an assignment to create a painting on canvas, and this is it. Can you figure out the deep, hidden meanings behind this image? If you can, you are well on your way to becoming a teen counselor. Can you see the angst? The horror of the present, coupled with the small hope for the future? Or do you just see a bunch of zombies tramping through New York City on their way past Central Park?

1 comment:

Judebaker said...

it's as if he's been listening to talk radio or something. Or perhaps reading the news. You realize of course that the daisy is yet another veiled reference to death--recall the phrase "pushing up daisies"? Albeit only one daisy in this case. But that is a pretty intense bit of commentary in paint, I must say. If I was going to interpret it, I'd use terms like death, destruction, hoplessness, fear, the one hope...things like that. Very interesting. If I was a museum curator, I'd keep an eye on that young man. That I would.