Monday, March 12, 2012

The Premature Return of Spring

The weather forecast indicates that we will have temperatures in the mid-seventies all week. This is rather unusual for Michigan in March.

Last year, as I recall, we were still knee-deep in snow at this point.

What happened?

According to the weather pundits and the satellites, it's all due to that weird jet stream which has decided to go on a spelling spree right down through the middle of North America, drawing a great big "U" from the Canadian border right down to the middle of Texas. With the resultant vacuum of air which brings cold northern climes down to Lubbock, and pushes all that delicious sun-baked southern warmth up the Mississipi to Michigan.

Thanks, y'all!

While we appreciate the gracious gesture, the fact remains that we hadn't planned for it, and weren't ready for it, and were still hoping for a few more weeks of the white stuff to supplement the winter incomes of the local ski resorts. They had to shut down a bit ahead of schedule this year, so there will be some dire financial straits to deal with very soon. And the local hardware stores had to hurriedly shift the shelves around to get the seeds and fertilizers in places where the snowblowers and shovels and salt had been proudly sitting.

The worst part, though, was the effect on the children. Think of the poor children, faced with weeks and weeks of school left to go, yet knowing that just outside those walls was a springtime wonderland, just waiting to be experienced! At least when there is cold and snow and ice to contend with, their minds are better able to focus on the homework and projects and examinations on which their futures depend. But this! There is no more potent way to distract them than to provide fresh, warm breezes and bright sunlight throughout the day, and the promise of more warmth to come.

Come to think of it, the effect on the adults isn't much better. It's been rather difficult to focus at work, too.

Maybe I should just give up and take a walk outside to think it over...

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