Monday, May 07, 2012


Twenty-eight hundred dollars is the price quoted by the automobile professionals to heal the infirmity currently disabling my poor little car.  I can't afford it, which means that I'll be sans car for the foreseeable future.

Not a great way to begin a Monday.

I had done my research beforehand.  There were two possibilities, neither of which was particularly palatable, but both offered the faintest hope that the price might not be completely beyond our puny reach.  Alas! Our hopes were dashed.  The first possibility postulated that the water pump be malfunctioning in some slight manner; replacing a water pump, while difficult, is not technologically challenging.  The second possibility hypothesized that the cylinder head gasket was leaking, which would precipitate tearing down the engine to obtain access to that most delicate of enginerial components.  This would be a major undertaking.

When the report was dutifully received from the mechanic, it confirmed our worst fears: the gasket was, indeed, failing to prevent the mixing of exhaust gases with coolant, and thus the coolant was contaminated and unable to properly perform its function.

Replacing the head gaskets would require removal of a significant amount of hardware from the engine.  And would doubtless require several days of activity.

And I have neither the time nor the resources available.

What to do, what to do ...


Jeanne said...

:-( That stinks.

The Meyer Family said...

Oh, well, at least I had the opportunity to ride my bike to Scouts tonight!