Tuesday, May 08, 2012


The car - my car - is still sitting in the garage like a poor, worn-out and broken toy. It won't be going anywhere for a long time.

But my bicycle still works.

It was the highlight of the week so far, taking a bike ride to the Boy Scout meeting.  Cheryl had other errands to run, children to pick up or drop off, and since the church building where the Scouts meet is only three miles away, and the evening was so lovely and warm, it was a no-brainer to take a ride.  Yeah, my body wasn't quite up to it, but I survived.

And it felt good!

In contrast to the appointment this afternoon with the physical therapist doctor lady (whose official title escapes me) who made me wait for an hour in her tiny little examination room before she came strolling in to inform me that I need to do my exercises to strengthen the muscles in my back so my legs will stop hurting.  As if I didn't already know that.  We'd discussed it at the previous appointment.  I was hoping to discuss the MRI results.  Which we did, eventually.

Naturally, all they indicated was that my spine is old.

Being told that I'm old doesn't bother me.  Being forced to wait an hour for an appointment does.  In fact, I was steamed.  When she finally walked into the room, the first words out of my mouth were, "I have to leave in fifteen minutes."  Because I did.  There were children to pick up from track practice.  And dinner to prepare and consume.  And then Scout meetings to attend.  And I didn't really want to jump all over her, but good grief!  Sitting in an exam room for an hour?!?!

It was a relief to depart with what little information I was able to glean.

Picking up Deb after track practice put me in a much better mood.  And then coming home for a wonderful dinner, with interesting conversation with my family.  And then it was time for the evening activities.

It was a planning session at Scouts tonight.  Planning for our summer hikes.  Our last soon-to-be-Eagle Scout has just a couple more merit badges (along with his Eagle Project) to complete, and then he's done.  So we figured out where we'll be going for our five (5) ten-mile hikes.  But we haven't quite pinned down where we'll be going for our one (1) twenty-mile hike.

We're trying to do them at various places to prevent redundancy and boredom.  So we're hitting some dunes over at the Lake, and some river trails, and some urban trails.

My legs are going to be so tired by July.


Judebaker said...

Have you ever considered getting an inversion table? We have one and it does our spines no end of good when things get a little tense. Saves me innumerable trips to the chiropractor. A little decompression therapy whenever you want it.
Just a thought.
Sorry about your subabbaloobaru problems. What a drain. What a disappointment.

The Meyer Family said...

Hmmm...never thought about an inverstion table. Would a doorway hanging bar work as well? I was actually hoping for a hot tub for the relaxation therapy. Or a big Swedish lady named 'Helga' with hands as big as teapots who would pound my lazy muscles into submission.

As for the car, it's a plot. The car knows I love to rebuild car engines (thanks to Dad!!), and it's just taunting me with the idea of spending an entire weekend pulling the silly thing apart and putting it back together with shiny new parts.

No coincidence my car is named 'Serenity'. Just thinking about being out there in the garage with a wrench in my hand and grease smears on my shirt, relaxes me.

Jeanne said...

The bike ride sounds great! Good for you for taking the smart way!