Wednesday, September 05, 2012

And So It Begins (Again)

The first day of school is always an interesting day.  Everyone gets up early; no one wants to be late, do they?  And whether the parents need to be up or not, they are.  Up.  Early.  Because there is always the worry, no matter how small, that some child is going to sleep right through their alarm (or forget to set their alarm) and turn a seemingly ordinary day into an avalanche of anxiety.

The kids were quite ready for the beginning of the school year.  They were all up on time, ready to go, earbuds in place, music on. Waiting.  James and Deborah were waiting for a friend to come by and pick them up; Mary was waiting until it was time to head to the bus stop.

Of course, Adam is already up at the college, all excited about his first day of classes.  Probably can't wait to start studying all that Latin and Greek and philosophy and stuff.

Cheryl was off and running not too long after the kids had all headed out the door, as she was going to be up at the school for a few hours.  I had the house to myself for awhile.

Kinda quiet around here.

Makes me wonder sometimes what it'll be like in a few years when all the kids have gone off to college or wherever they go, and Cheryl and I are here by ourselves with nothing but cats and plants to keep us company.

I may have to crank the stereo a little louder.

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