Saturday, October 20, 2012

National Stress Week

It is not in my nature to handle well the stress that goes along with weeks where there are so many events scheduled that it is impossible to find a moment to breathe.  This was one of those weeks.

And it was, after all, due to my own choices.

The activities at work are converging to a point where all of the preparations we have made over the last year-and-a-half are finally resolving themselves; our final round of "formal" testing is scheduled to begin during the week after next.  And, due to a bizarre juxtaposition of events (or perhaps an ill-natured fairy), at almost the exact same time, an employment opportunity has presented itself which will prevent my completion of those activities, yet also launch me out onto a new adventure which has the promise of great reward as well as the risk of great tragedy.

My involvement with the Marching Band has also reached a climactic point: our final home game, followed quickly by the final Invitational competition.  As part of the support team, my attendance and participation in these events is critical.

Our FIRST Robotics team has been preparing for our first mock competition, which has meant hours of preparation for training sessions and practice drills, as well as the normal mentoring for electrical and software design.

And my involvement with the Middle School musical has dramatically increased in scope, requiring far more of my time and attention than had been originally planned.  Whereas it was my intent to assist in the planning and building of sets and props, it has now fallen to my lot to act as quasi-director, stage manager, assistant choreographer, set designer, and vocal coach.

In the background are the usual litany of worries and anxieties associated with having the first child in college, fixing/maintaining the house and the cars, mentoring an Eagle Scout project, dissolving a Boy Scout Troop, teaching Sunday school lessons, teaching Wednesday night lessons, and all the little things that need to be done to the house and yard as we get ready to "hunker down" for the winter.

Oh, and I'm supposed to be working on my writing, too.

Today I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed.  Maybe tomorrow things will calm down a bit.  Maybe.