Monday, November 05, 2012

Long Time Coming

It was over a week ago that I finally bid my old job good-bye and began a new phase of life, switching companies without switching locations, at least from the point-of-view of the parking lot.  This was something I had been considering for a very long time; in fact, for at least three years, I had been looking for an opportunity somewhere in the area.

Well, you didn't really expect me to move away from here, did you?  This place has everything we could ever want.  A good church, good schools, good friends, and, most important, no real traffic to speak of.

It only suffered in the monetary compensation department, especially for those of us entering into the putting-kids-through-college phase.

So when I heard "through the grapevine" that this particular company was hiring, I threw my hat into the ring and took the opportunity to declare my candidacy. And it paid off.  Now I have a new job with more responsibilities (to go along with the additional compensation, which goes directly into the "college support fund").  But the commute is the same, and the building is the same, only I use a different entrance.

Unfortunately, the job change occurred at the wrong time, because there are too many other things going on at the same time.  Like trying to restart a Boy Scout Troop.  And directing a Middle School Musical.

But more on that later.  Right now, I must rest!


Judebaker said...

Well, we would have sent you a congratulatory post, but we didn't know you were changing jobs. Congratulations! We're excited for you! Imagine, changing to something better before you're 50! Way to go, Rob! Hope you enjoy it, and be sure and tell us how wonderful it is!

Jeanne said...

Congratulations!!! Hope it's an awesome fit. <3