Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Alive and Kicking (Coughing)

Today (Tuesday) is not a good day to be barely alive.  There are too many items on the agenda.  Meetings (telecons) whose attendance is mandatory. Social engagements which cannot be avoided. Not much time for the kind of rest that a sick body requires.

Time on foot is time for the lungs to drain, which is a good thing in my current state of physical ineptitude. Helps get all the icky stuff out, all the good stuff in.  Besides, a day spent abed is a day without accomplishment.

And I have a great need for accomplishment this day.

But first things first.  A Happy Birthday to my father, who is spending the day on a bluebonnet adventure in the hinterlands of Texas with his devoted wife!  May you have joy and happiness in your travels, and safety and comfort in your return.

Also, a Happy Birthday to Deb Thomas whom I have not seen in many a year, but who remains a steadfast friend in my memory.  I trust you are having as much fun with your corral of kids as we are, facing as we both do the beginnings of their ventures into the great wide world of adulthood.

And to my longsuffering wife, Cheryl, I thank you for your unending patience in dealing with the Bear of Very Little Brain who can't seem to keep his mind on the tasks at hand, especially when distracted by illness. I look forward with great anticipation to the cessation of busy-ness so that we might enjoy a little peace and quiet as we work on our house projects together!

Now, on to busi-ness. I have reports to write, emails to compose, spreadsheets to calculate, and telecons to attend.

Right after this little, teeny-weeny dose of NyQuil (so I can breathe)....


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