Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Pardon My Hacking

I'm no hacker, unless you are speaking of the "hacking up my lungs" category.  I've been demonstrating a keen proficiency in that regard lately, much to the consternation of all in my immediate vicinity.

So it was with great pride and embarrassment (a curious mixture!) that I accompanied my delightful wife to the Fine Arts Center at Calvin College tonight to witness yet another Academic Achievement Ceremony for Adam, who made the Dean's List last Fall and is finally getting the recognition he so rightly deserves. (Oh, Adam wasn't the only one being recognized, but he was the only one I recognized.)

I tried not to cough too loudly. Really. Even had a pocketful of cough drops, but they didn't help. After an hour and a half of songs, speeches, prayers and the like, my throat was about gone. And not because I was the one doing the singing, speaking and praying.  I was just coughing. But we weren't done yet! There was still the Professor's Reception (with punch and desserts, yum!) where we got to meet and chat with Adam's teachers, who all expressed their joy at having him as a student.

And my coughing got worse. People were starting to edge away from me. Nervously.

Rather than spread the Plague any further, we decided to "bow out" before they brought in the Cart ("Bring out'cher dead!") and dragged me off. But -- not before finding out that one of his professor's has connections with Cheryl's alma mater (Seattle Pacific University). That was very cool! We probably could've chatted with her a lot longer, but my head wasn't going to contain its misery much longer, so we (regrettably) left at that point.

But it was so wonderful seeing Adam in his element.

Many thanks to Angela for covering my Wednesday-night Bible class for me!

1 comment:

virginia said...

Congratulations to Adam!!
And perhaps your cough will go away before summer.
We are proud of Adam's accomplishment.