Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Today's word is fremdschämen.

Can you say that, children?  Sure you can.

It means feeling sad or upset that someone else has made a fool of themselves. To the point where you are extremely uncomfortable. And have to leave the room.

That happens to me all the time.

With fictional characters.

I cannot watch certain television shows, or certain scenes in movies I've seen a million times, because they make me so uncomfortable.

The character on the screen does something incredibly dumb, or there's a situation where a big confrontation is about to occur, and I have to leave.

And wait.

Til the scene is over.

Until this week, I didn't know there was a word for it.

But now I do!!

Just don't ask me to pronounce it. Because I will get very embarrassed. And I'll have to leave the room.

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