Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Oh, Jan!

Who is the most optimistic person you know?

Who is always looking on the bright side of life?

Who is the most encouraging person of your acquaintance?

If you answered Jan Meyer, then you and I are of the same mind. And you are probably thinking the same thing: Why don't I call Jan up more often so I can be encouraged and uplifted all the time?

Because that would clog up the phone lines, obviously. I am a potpourri of insecurites and could talk anyone's ear off about them. Seriously. Cheryl has to wear fake ears nowadays because I've worn hers off with my constant complaining and pessimistic whining.

It used to be Jan whose ears were being worn out, especially in those years when I was young and single and stupid and self-centered and constantly worried about who I would marry and when I would have kids and what I would finally be when I grew up. And she'd listen to all my stupid inanities and smile and talk to me about how much God loves me and she loves me and things will work out and not to worry so much and just calm down, chill out, stop focusing so much on yourself and think about other people.

She has a way of reducing the complexities of life into simple concepts. Kind of like Proverbs, which is my favorite book in the Bible.

My sister Jan is like a walking book of Proverbs. Wise and knowing, kind and compassionate, disciplined and hard-working, industrious and cheerful.

I wish we didn't live so far away.

Today I am thinking about you, Jan, and missing you, and hoping you are having a wonderful birthday.

I'll always love you, sis.

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