Monday, May 02, 2016

The Bathroom Floor

Bathroom Floor, Looking Towards Shower
Cheryl spent a lot of hours working on this bathroom floor, and we were both relieved when the tiles were finally all cut and laid and we could look at it and imagine that the whole thing is finished, done, complete.

Of course, it isn't finished, done, or complete yet. We still have to pick up one of those hundred-pound oversized rolling pins to flatten it out a bit; there's tiny gaps between the individual tiles that need filling up, and that takes a heavy bit of convincing on the part of the roller.

She wasn't feeling up to par on the day she finished the floor, but she gamely kept on going. Next morning, she woke up with a high fever, lots of aches and pains, and she was coughing heavily. I suppose that's the price that is paid for persistence in the face of stubborn house projects. It wasn't the first time she's gotten sick while working on a house. I remember back about twelve years when I was already out hre in Grand Rapids and she was still back in Seattle, trying to finish the old house and sell it at the same time, and she came down with pneumonia. That was the ghost in our minds the other night. Wondering if she was coming down with it again.

She took the day off today so she could recover. Still coughing, but feeling better as the day went on. Now that it's late at night and we're done with the day, ready to lie down for another small break in the endless routine of work, work, work, and more work, the fever is almost gone and she's relaxing with her crochet while listening to "Rebecca" on audiobook.

She'll be home tomorrow, just to be sure, just to make sure the fever is finally over and done and gone. Then she'll be back to school again, eager to get back into the swing of teaching, helping the kids in their efforts to learn to read.

I think she did a great job. She hopes to get it all done before family shows up in May.
Bathroom Floor, From Shower

1 comment:

virginia said...

Hope Cheryl is feeling better today. Please don't let her overwork too much. But your place is looking better all the time. Can hardly wait to see it.