Thursday, August 03, 2006

More Fun at VBS

Man, I'm tired.

It isn't the number of activities that wear me out, it's the intensity of the evenings, trying to get the kids excited about the subject and yet temper their enthusiasm so that they focus it on the right thing. I don't want them getting out of hand, yet I also don't want them to get bored out of their minds.

Mostly I worry about them getting bored. Nothing worse than a bored pre-teen for getting in trouble.

We didn't have much trouble tonight, except for one kid who just doesn't have good control of his mouth (keys in the ignition, can't shut it off). That was in the lesson/snack room. Back in the craft room, everyone was finishing up their treasure boxes and wind chimes, and they all looked great. Some of the boys finished early, so they played some card games while the rest finished up.

I found out that these boys don't handle board games well, which is why we haven't been playing the one I made up. We tried playing it the other night, but there were too many boys and each round of play was taking too long. I could've had the boys play it tonight, but the ones who were finishing up their projects needed more attention, and I didn't want to try and split my time. Yes, I had helpers, but they were quite busy as it was.

The girls managed to finish their projects right on time, at the end of the session.

Only one more night!

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