Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Second Day of Vacation

It started out poorly.

Actually, it started out poorly the night before it started - the second day, I mean. Exhaustion washed over me that first night as though all my energy had just drained away, although there was no fathomable reason for that to occur. Certainly there had been no activity of any strenuous nature during the first day's activities. Regardless, the feeling came on early, and persisted throughout the evening, though I resisted mightily. Bedtime was delayed until very late, owing to the need to clean up after all the random activities. But even that would not normally leave me so unenthusiastic about the morning.

Since the children are not on break this week, they arose at their normal time, as did I. Breakfast ensued, the regular routine of oatmeal and milk and bagels, thereafter the rituals of dressing and cleaning and getting all the books and pens and papers and other scholastic paraphenalia together into the backpacks, followed by a few moments quiet sanity, and then the rush to fly out the door in search of the bus.

As soon as they were gone, I went back to bed. And stayed there until half-past eleven!

I hadn't realized my exhaustion was that developed.

Arising nigh on to lunch-time, I breakfasted a bit, then tried to catch up on some of the basement activities. Wiring the lights to individual circuits was the focus of the morning, and that led off onto some merry little adventures as it was discovered that various circuits seemed to be a bit overloaded. For example, the downstairs lights were all wired on the same circuit as the smoke alarm, the sump pump, and the water heater. It is my understanding that, in general, motor devices are not supposed to be on the same circuit as lights; and certainly not smoke alarms - those should have their own circuit. My main concern was the collective amperage, though; altogether, the 15-amp circuit had the potential for a load approaching 40, which is a bit of a problem.

So a bit of time was spent figure out the proper load for the downstairs circuits. That took until well into the afternoon, at which time the children came home from school, dinner was had, and the evening activities ensued.

Nothing else of any great import was accomplished. And I'm still exhausted.

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